Friday, September 25, 2009

Create A New Life with Daily Rituals

I've been inspired (in-spirit) of late to do an abundantly present diary using the law of attraction. My inspiration tells me it would not only be helpful for me and the process of bringing all that I want into my present, but incredibly insight-full and inspirational to many others as well.

I copied that vision above to re-mind myself of my objective.

First, I am going to list some daily rituals to adhere to so that I do all I'm capable of to create the abundantly present life I desire to live. Actually, I am already living it. These exercises and this focus will expand upon all the wonderful blessings and benefits I'm already grateful for. And speaking of gratefulness, that is the first ritual.

1. Write about all the things, people, events, etc. that you are grateful for. Even those people and situations that bring you challenges. Discover the positive in those challenges so that you attract the positive attributes in your life.

2. Begin each day with energy wellness. This is an exercise you do that releases any toxins and negative energy and brings in balanced energy that revives and energizes you. I will use one of Donna Eden's exercises. She is the leading expert on energy wellness in this world today.

Donna Eden's 5-Minute Daily Video Routine

3. Meditate daily for at least 10 minutes. It will keep you in touch with your guidance and also will help keep your chakras balanced. I incorporate a chakra clearing before every meditation. Use whatever you're attracted to for your chakra clearing. I use a CD by Doreen Virtue that clears my chakras in the morning, and then another audio on the same CD clears you for sleep. It lasts approx. 30 mins. If I'm pressed for time because I've made other things/people a priority, then I do a quick clearing just by stating they are clear and visualizing any dark and murky spots cleansed. This takes me about 1-2 mins. and then I just allow myself time within, approx. 10-15 mins. of meditation.

4. Affirmations. They help you set the tone of your day. They are positive, clear, direct, in the present and filled with feeling. I already affirm a statement daily at Facebook and Twitter. Here's the link to my Facebook wall, if you'd like to receive it:

Facebook Link to Daily Affirmations

and here's the link to the Fan Page of Gifts Of Divinity for the same:

Become a Fan of Gifts Of Divinity at Facebook

You can optionally find me at twitter using this link:

Follow Daily Affirmation on Twitter

That's all for now!

Now here is my story, anew! It's filled with magic, charm and miracles. Won't you join me as I travel along this adventurous and loving new journey? I look forward to sharing with you, you and especially YOU! *~:)

Love & Abundance,

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