Each day I begin with a hot shower. As the water cleanses my body I close my eyes and feel the light wash over my spirit and cleanse my chakras. It feels good to cleanse myself on the outside and the inside.
My mind momentarily wanders to the homeless people and about how challenging a life that would be. I think about how I wouldn't be able to enjoy the feeling of cleanliness, how I would be hungry, how I would be scared and live in fear as night falls.
An angel rushes into my thoughts because I ask them to always intervene whenever I'm creating negative thoughts, or allowing negative thoughts to overrule all else. Immediately I make a mental notation that I need to do more clearing with my root chakra. It is this chakra that guides us with our safety and security issues in this world. Obviously, mine was murky as I was allowing homeless thoughts to enter. Time to regroup my energy again.
Oh yes, of course. This is my present. I'm so thankful for the privilege of having a shower available to me anytime I wish to cleanse myself. I'm so thankful that I turn on the faucet and clean water bursts forth ever ready for my beckoning. I see the angels pour a shower of white light over me, and they relish in the delight it's bringing me. I think I hear giggles. I know I heard them.
For a brief few seconds the water gradually turns cold and I'm ever grateful that loved ones share this home with me. This immediately lets me know they are up and about and enjoying the day as well. I smile and await for the warmth of the water, which always returns. I feel at peace. I feel loved. I feel love and I am connected to Life. I feel the life run through my veins and liven me up! It's invigorating and it pours strength into my body. Can you feel the pulse? I do. I am whole. I am perfect.
Wholegrain Cheerios! They are so delicious and make for a healthy choice for breakfast. I've already done my chakra cleansing and meditated. I just finished my 5 minute energy wellness with Donna Eden, via You Tube. Ahhh, life is good! Thank you angels for helping me align with my Higher Self so that I may do all those things that my Soul wants for me in this lifetime. May my lessons be ever so gentle and may I always see from my higher perspective.
Speaking of gentle, I received some gentle guidance while I was meditating today. The angels have suggested that they have an option available to me for increasing my work load. For every paid service that I give someone, I do a service for free. This will keep me in line with my focus of work. If it's your joy, you'll feel it immediately because the free ones won't feel any different than the paid ones.
I trust what they offer and so it is. They tell me that as I stick to this new plan, not only will I have more clients, but I'll also be developing more services to offer and moving further into alignment with who I am becoming. This is exciting! And you're here to witness it all with me. Happy, Happy!
Do the angels have any messages for me right now? They suggest I pull a book and open it anywhere. Whatever my eyes feel drawn toward, that is my message. This is so much fun and if you do this too, you'll discover a new way to communicate with your angels. They love new ways to interact so that we never get bored with how we do things and we allow our creativity to open up and free us. Variety, ah! *~;)
I'm surrounded by hundreds of books but as I quickly scan over them, Divine Guidance by Doreen Virtue speaks to me. I open it up and here is my message:
'Whenever you ask a question, you receive an answer...True guidance will never lead you astray or cause pain to you or other people.'
Did you pull out a book and read a caption from it? Try it, you'll be amazed at how it applies to your life. The quote above is really a golden rule I live by. I've always asked questions within and have always gotten answers. And the second part of that message reminds me of the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
Do you see how our thoughts move on to the next one, like the one that preceded it. As I read my message, the angels wanted to further instill the Golden Rule to me again. I needed reminders because I wasn't thinking of myself as I think of others. Allow your mind to travel freely when you read the caption. Don't censor it or judge what you're thinking. Just go with it. The message will come to you. Be patient and kind to yourself.
If that one doesn't make sense to you, keep pulling out books and finding messages until something seems to be reiterated over and over to you. That is your message from your angels. Believe it. Trust it, and own it. Then see where you need to go with that advice. For me, it's keeping the golden rule in mind in all my interactions today. With others, and with myself too. It keeps the balance I presently need.
And so it is. A beautiful day to be alive! May love fill your day, as it is doing in mine.
Love & Blessings,
I'd love to be able to put images in the blog too, but haven't figured out how one does it here yet..or if one can?? If you know how to do it here at blogspot, please do let me know..thanks in advance!