Monday, December 14, 2009

God, You Are My Source

I'd read recently and shared the 23rd Psalm that was rewritten and I have decided to do my own version and share it here with you. Feel free to share it!

God, You are my Source and the Creator of All That Is. You guide me and fill me with Light and Love.

You give me direction and abundance. I lay down in fields of bounty and quench my thirst with the waters of life.

You wash away the veils of illusion so that I may see. You restore my Soul and lead me to your Heart Light.

Even though I walk through this Valley of Fear, I am not afraid. You are with me always. Your Light and Your guidance, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me, in the presence of those I feared and those who feared me. During this table of life you have prepared for me, I discover truths not known.

Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me in all the days of my life, for you are always near. Your Light dwells in me and I dwell in You forever.

So be it.

Love & Blessings,

Friday, December 4, 2009

What You Mind Matters, Literally

If we but realized the truth in that statement and how simple it works, we’d be so much happier in our life experiences. What You Mind Matters, Literally. Whatever you think, those thoughts that flutter through your head constantly; you have to pay attention to them. Those thoughts are energy and this energy is released. Always. What are you thinking about?

Which problem are you dwelling upon? Let’s say you’re thinking about how little money you have and all the bills you’ve acquired. If you concentrate and focus upon how ‘little money you have’ these are thoughts and energy you are sending out into the universe. These are thoughts you are creating inside that will manifest outside. This is what we are doing in this physical reality. We are creating experiences, first in thought, then in words and finally manifesting it into a physical experience. What You Mind Matters, Literally.

It can be difficult to suddenly change your way of thinking. But before we can change our thinking process we have to first be aware of what thoughts are coming into our mind. Often we’re not even conscious of what we’re thinking and we’re quick on coming up with reasons, outside ourselves, of why we’re experiencing these unhappy experiences. But don’t be too hard on yourself. It is how we have been trained. It is all we knew up until this moment in time when we finally realize it doesn’t have to be the way it is. There is a way we can bring joy into our life if we but just focus upon it.

Now there’s a paradox in this focus. If we put too much focus, meaning if we hang onto this focus we are not releasing it. We are holding it too close. We have to have faith that when we focus on changes in our thinking that we then release it to the Universe. If you feel more comfortable saying you release it to God, so be it. First Source, Universal Source, Great Spirit, God, Jesus, Buddha and all the other names you can think of where our beliefs reside. They are ALL one and the same. It is this Creator that hears our thoughts and gives us what we ask. Just like the bible quote, ‘ask and ye shall receive’. That is really all we need do to have a happier more joyful life.

Now that doesn’t mean you won’t be met with challenges. If you weren’t met with challenges in life, you not only would become very bored but you wouldn’t need to be living on this Earth because you would have ascended or grown to a closer experience of who you want to become. We’re so conditioned to get distraught when we’re met with problems. I know, I go there often. But as soon as I get over that initial ‘arrgghh’ feeling I quickly realize that there are always solutions to every problem we meet in life. There is a reason we bring these problems into our experience. And until we learn the lessons behind each problem we’ll create them time and time again until we change our thinking, change our focus and bring new experiences into our life.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Here's a link to YouTube video of Abraham-Hicks and the Law Of Attraction. It's a workshop from 2008, in five parts, this being the first part. Hope you enjoy and glean much from it too!

Love & Blessings,