Saturday, June 12, 2010

Feelings of Expansion Feeds Abundance

Have you wondered how you felt when you knew good things were heading your way? I’m not talking about just one emotion like excitement but rather a stream of emotions that came to you in layers.

Let us review how you possibly felt just as that ideal job swooped into your lap.

You awoke from a deep sleep and already you felt the blood rushing through your body. Usually it took the shower or sometimes the coffee to awaken you fully, but today it hit you immediately.

Rushing in upon this physical feeling of your blood pumping, making you anxious and excited simultaneously, was the feeling of expansion in your body. It was as if you could feel your body expanding on the inside, making room for something grand to enter. It was.

You bounced out of bed with an exuberance you’d not felt in years and nothing could get in your way. You were in the flow, in the groove and excited to see what the next moments would bring you. You were present and enjoying the feeling of gratitude and wonder in your life’s journey.

There was no time for your regular breakfast. You grabbed a quick smoothie on the way. You were avoiding normal daily habits hoping to speed along the minutes faster so that you didn’t burst open. That was the power of your inner self guiding you toward the desires you’d already set in motion. The time for you to experience its gifts were upon you.

Do any of these feelings sound familiar to you? This is the key to getting into that groove again where you can feel your desires being drawn to you. They are subtle yet strong feelings that are felt while you are present with them, but quickly fade from view once you have your desire and you begin to work on new desires. You sometimes forget how to get into that feeling of expansion.

Start reviewing your own life and times when things or people fell into your lap as if you took no effort whatsoever. When you get excited because you remember feeling such and such a way, grab that feeling and think about your new goals, new desires, all the new adventures you want to experience. The thoughts and the feelings go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other or it doesn’t manifest. No energy is plugged into it. It’s just there and if ignored it will fade away each time.

Bring it to your awareness and start building your dreams now, in the present. Sure, there are things you’ll need to do tomorrow, or next week or next month but right now, today, in this minute ask yourself: What can I do in this moment to help bring me my dreams? Allow the answer its life, and you’ll be on your way.

Love & Blessings,

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Affirming Your World

When we think of affirmations we might go into thoughts of new age mumbo jumbo and not give them the credit they so deserve in your life. Often times those things that are mumbo jumbo are really just called that because of misunderstanding its significance. When we are more aware of what that mumbo jumbo truly is, we are then working with our present, not against it.

How does one go about affirming one's world so that it's felt within too? Affirmations are not just words to be spoken without any feeling attached to it. You have to jump in with both feet, both arms flying and give it your ALL. This was brought to mind recently by a video of a  little girl doing her affirmations. If you haven't seen Jessica's affirmations on YouTube, do check it out as it's worth the time. Here's a link to it:

A picture is worth a thousand words and if you just watched Jessica, you understand how important it is to put all your energy into the affirmations. It is this assurance that brings you the best to your moments. That's also why it's important to speak your affirmations in the presence. How you are feeling right now in this very moment tells Source of what it is that you are desiring. It's as simple as that.

Are you disappointed with your world? Have you been affirming to no avail? Then take a look at your affirmations and then take a look at how you FEEL about the affirmation. If anything negative comes up such as fears you won't get it, then you're heading in the opposite direction of your desires. It's one thing to keep repeating that you want to lose weight or win the lottery etc. but it's another story when behind each of your affirming sentences it's met with the thoughts of 'oh yeah, sure'. Insert sarcasm. Exactly. 

We're always too eager to lay blame on something or someone so that we don't have to look at it and take responsibility for the moments you're presently living. It's important to really think about your affirmations in the light you wish them to be, not in a fearful light. If there is even a inkling of doubt in your mind, that is what the Source will deliver to you. You are a unique individual and your presence is needed to help you grow, others grow and the planet can evolve and the human experience can evolve as well. Do your part. Affirm a better life and you'll be affirming a better world not only for you, but everyone.

One of the things I personally have done to help me with my affirmations is subscribe to the Abraham-Hicks daily motivations. They are little excerpts taken from either one of their workshops or their books. No matter how often I read them, I still garner something from them each time. You can get them from their website, or buying their books and/or DVDs offered.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Hope it opened you up just a little bit more! Do leave any comments or questions in the comment box below. I look forward to getting to know you better. How about you?

Namaste & Blessings,
Dallas Franklin

Friday, May 7, 2010

Making Your Affrimations Work for You

Just as in the assortment of flowers in the above photo, so do you have an assortment of abundance and joys coloring your days. These flowers were grown by someone who was focused on positively manifesting a garden of various colored tulips, arranged in such a way to appeal to the viewers, and presented in a beautiful display of splendor. That's exactly how you arrange your journey through life too.

But you argue that you never asked to be poor, you never asked to be sick, you never asked to be unloved, you never asked not to meet the person of your dreams, etc. This list is endless, isn't it?

So how did you end up 'here'? Is this fate or maybe God's joke and it's on you? Now, if you take those thoughts you'll notice other thoughts piling up in your mind just waiting for a part of you to say, 'yep, that too.' or maybe 'oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that. yah, that too'. Do you see what you are doing? You're in the process of allowing your thoughts/mind to dictate to you what is your truths. And in that moment you are telling yourself that you are not loved, loving or lovable. It's as simple as that.

Now, would you tell another person that they are not loved, loving or lovable? Most of us would not offer such a negative view to another person. But we do it to ourselves all the time. When you begin to look at the thoughts that are running rampant in your mind, with nobody attending to the weeds and allowing the flowers of love to bloom within, you're dissing your very existence. Stop doing it!

Instead begin making affirmations that are positive and positively working for you. First note that there is a lineup of thoughts pouncing upon the last one as you feel this frustration or negativity settle in. Next, take a deep cleansing breath. To do this properly, close your eyes and imagine white light cleansing through your body and around your body as you inhale. Hold it for a few seconds and then slowly exhale by imagining all the negativity in your body being expelled by this exhalation. Do it three times and you'll notice your body is more relaxed now and the thoughts are no longer rushing through to you. Now you're ready to begin the true positive affirmations.

These positive affirmations are always in the present and they are always spoken or written as if you are experiencing it right NOW. They never contain the word 'not' and if it does, you're heading in the wrong direction again. Here are some examples of affirmations you might say to yourself on a regular basis without any thought to what you're really saying to the Universe.

I don't want to be lonely.

I don't want to be so poor.

I don't want this job.

I don't want this person in my life anymore.

I don't want to be fat.

I don't want to be afraid.

I don't want to be so frustrated.

Of course the list can be endless and it would help you to write up your own personal list and then write them out in a positive approach. So taking the above list, here is how you would make a positive affirmation.

I enjoy loving people in my life.

I am financially abundant.

I am enjoying a fantastic new job.

I am enjoying new loving relationships in my life.

I am slender.

I am fearless.

I am clear and balanced.

You should be able to see the difference in how each of these feels too. There's a different energy to saying 'I don't want to be fat' to saying 'I am slender'. There's an absoluteness to the latter that catapults you into a positive framework. Don't allow poor negative affirmations to rule your life anymore. Take them out one by one and turn them into the positive statements that changes your life in a positive way.

Love & Blessings,
Dallas Hodder Franklin

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tools to Help You Attract Anything!

When you want to use the law of attraction to allow the flow into your life, you need some tools to help motivate, inspire and encourage you. It starts with focus upon what it is that you desire and then you take some action steps that keeps you aligned with your objectives. What are those action steps? Let's take a look at some tools to help you get started.

1. Books!

Yes, indeed. There are many books available to you that show you how to incorporate the law of attraction into your life. Preferably, it's best to allow the book to speak to you, meaning if the book somehow seems to call you, then it's your time to read it. For instance, I have some favorite authors as do most readers who always seem to help me in various fields of interest. I adore Byron Katie's books about the law of attraction and how to ask yourself four questions that sets you on the right path. It's very much a self help way to go that serves me well and I'm sure many of you will gain her benefits as well.

And of course another favorite author of mine in learning about the law of attraction and how your beliefs set the tone are Esther and Jerry Hicks. They've imparted the teachings of Abraham, an energy entity who channels this information and help through Esther. You can choose from many different titles and as I stated above, allow your heart the option of which one best suits you.

2. Audiobooks!

Yes, if you don't have the time to sit and peacefully read a book, then use your wait time to listen to an audiobook instead. These audiobooks are far and wide in offering you all kinds of tools that allow you to get in touch with your Self and your world. A personal favorite of mine is Eckhart Tolle who is an excellent teacher in showing you how to live in the present and deal with negative issues and ego temperaments. His voice is slow and methodical with a dry touch of humor thrown in occasionally. He speaks to your heart.

Another favorite of mine is Lessons from the Source author, Jack Armstrong. I listen to a daily guidance he offers via iTunes that is is downloaded a few times weekly. He has one of those strong, father-like voices that instantly soothes you and you literally hear his honesty and high integrity. These are great affirmations that keeps you grounded and connected to the Source fully.

3. DVDs

There are a ton of spiritual movies available now. More and more people are searching for the spiritual in their own life, and the media is bringing it home for us. There is a whole area devoted to this section at the video stores and online as well. But don't just limit yourself to this area. There are plenty of other inspirational movies in other areas that bring out your values and morals and help you choose what and who to have faith in.

If your faith is waning, watch a good hopeful movie and your own hope will be revived too. Watch stories of how others have risen above adversity by having faith in themselves and their fellow man. It will definitely help you rise above any challenges you are experiencing. These movies help you let go of the stuff that isn't serving you so that you may embrace those experiences you wish to attract. It reminds you we all face challenges at one time or another but we can always overcome them if we have faith in ourself and make the changes necessary to align the balance back into our life.

Some of the movies that always uplift me are It's A Wonderful Life, an old favorite at Christmas time and To Sir With Love, a movie that impressed upon me in my early teens. Both of these still can make me cry. It's a good cry, though. *~:)

These are just a few of the different tools available to you and it should allow you to find other tools that might work for you as well. The trick is to stay focused on your goals and keep them in top priority as you go through your day. That doesn't mean to obsess over them. There's a fine line between being focused on something and obsessing over something.

If you're becoming stressed or anxious then you are obsessing and not in a place of attracting. Well, you're in a place of attracting, but not what you really want. Any negative emotion that you feel tells you that you are not aligned with your true self and so not focused on what is best for you in any given moment. Let go of the stress, worry less and allow, allow, allow!

Love & Blessings,
Dallas Hodder Franklin

Monday, December 14, 2009

God, You Are My Source

I'd read recently and shared the 23rd Psalm that was rewritten and I have decided to do my own version and share it here with you. Feel free to share it!

God, You are my Source and the Creator of All That Is. You guide me and fill me with Light and Love.

You give me direction and abundance. I lay down in fields of bounty and quench my thirst with the waters of life.

You wash away the veils of illusion so that I may see. You restore my Soul and lead me to your Heart Light.

Even though I walk through this Valley of Fear, I am not afraid. You are with me always. Your Light and Your guidance, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me, in the presence of those I feared and those who feared me. During this table of life you have prepared for me, I discover truths not known.

Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me in all the days of my life, for you are always near. Your Light dwells in me and I dwell in You forever.

So be it.

Love & Blessings,

Friday, December 4, 2009

What You Mind Matters, Literally

If we but realized the truth in that statement and how simple it works, we’d be so much happier in our life experiences. What You Mind Matters, Literally. Whatever you think, those thoughts that flutter through your head constantly; you have to pay attention to them. Those thoughts are energy and this energy is released. Always. What are you thinking about?

Which problem are you dwelling upon? Let’s say you’re thinking about how little money you have and all the bills you’ve acquired. If you concentrate and focus upon how ‘little money you have’ these are thoughts and energy you are sending out into the universe. These are thoughts you are creating inside that will manifest outside. This is what we are doing in this physical reality. We are creating experiences, first in thought, then in words and finally manifesting it into a physical experience. What You Mind Matters, Literally.

It can be difficult to suddenly change your way of thinking. But before we can change our thinking process we have to first be aware of what thoughts are coming into our mind. Often we’re not even conscious of what we’re thinking and we’re quick on coming up with reasons, outside ourselves, of why we’re experiencing these unhappy experiences. But don’t be too hard on yourself. It is how we have been trained. It is all we knew up until this moment in time when we finally realize it doesn’t have to be the way it is. There is a way we can bring joy into our life if we but just focus upon it.

Now there’s a paradox in this focus. If we put too much focus, meaning if we hang onto this focus we are not releasing it. We are holding it too close. We have to have faith that when we focus on changes in our thinking that we then release it to the Universe. If you feel more comfortable saying you release it to God, so be it. First Source, Universal Source, Great Spirit, God, Jesus, Buddha and all the other names you can think of where our beliefs reside. They are ALL one and the same. It is this Creator that hears our thoughts and gives us what we ask. Just like the bible quote, ‘ask and ye shall receive’. That is really all we need do to have a happier more joyful life.

Now that doesn’t mean you won’t be met with challenges. If you weren’t met with challenges in life, you not only would become very bored but you wouldn’t need to be living on this Earth because you would have ascended or grown to a closer experience of who you want to become. We’re so conditioned to get distraught when we’re met with problems. I know, I go there often. But as soon as I get over that initial ‘arrgghh’ feeling I quickly realize that there are always solutions to every problem we meet in life. There is a reason we bring these problems into our experience. And until we learn the lessons behind each problem we’ll create them time and time again until we change our thinking, change our focus and bring new experiences into our life.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Here's a link to YouTube video of Abraham-Hicks and the Law Of Attraction. It's a workshop from 2008, in five parts, this being the first part. Hope you enjoy and glean much from it too!

Love & Blessings,