Saturday, May 22, 2010

Affirming Your World

When we think of affirmations we might go into thoughts of new age mumbo jumbo and not give them the credit they so deserve in your life. Often times those things that are mumbo jumbo are really just called that because of misunderstanding its significance. When we are more aware of what that mumbo jumbo truly is, we are then working with our present, not against it.

How does one go about affirming one's world so that it's felt within too? Affirmations are not just words to be spoken without any feeling attached to it. You have to jump in with both feet, both arms flying and give it your ALL. This was brought to mind recently by a video of a  little girl doing her affirmations. If you haven't seen Jessica's affirmations on YouTube, do check it out as it's worth the time. Here's a link to it:

A picture is worth a thousand words and if you just watched Jessica, you understand how important it is to put all your energy into the affirmations. It is this assurance that brings you the best to your moments. That's also why it's important to speak your affirmations in the presence. How you are feeling right now in this very moment tells Source of what it is that you are desiring. It's as simple as that.

Are you disappointed with your world? Have you been affirming to no avail? Then take a look at your affirmations and then take a look at how you FEEL about the affirmation. If anything negative comes up such as fears you won't get it, then you're heading in the opposite direction of your desires. It's one thing to keep repeating that you want to lose weight or win the lottery etc. but it's another story when behind each of your affirming sentences it's met with the thoughts of 'oh yeah, sure'. Insert sarcasm. Exactly. 

We're always too eager to lay blame on something or someone so that we don't have to look at it and take responsibility for the moments you're presently living. It's important to really think about your affirmations in the light you wish them to be, not in a fearful light. If there is even a inkling of doubt in your mind, that is what the Source will deliver to you. You are a unique individual and your presence is needed to help you grow, others grow and the planet can evolve and the human experience can evolve as well. Do your part. Affirm a better life and you'll be affirming a better world not only for you, but everyone.

One of the things I personally have done to help me with my affirmations is subscribe to the Abraham-Hicks daily motivations. They are little excerpts taken from either one of their workshops or their books. No matter how often I read them, I still garner something from them each time. You can get them from their website, or buying their books and/or DVDs offered.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Hope it opened you up just a little bit more! Do leave any comments or questions in the comment box below. I look forward to getting to know you better. How about you?

Namaste & Blessings,
Dallas Franklin

Friday, May 7, 2010

Making Your Affrimations Work for You

Just as in the assortment of flowers in the above photo, so do you have an assortment of abundance and joys coloring your days. These flowers were grown by someone who was focused on positively manifesting a garden of various colored tulips, arranged in such a way to appeal to the viewers, and presented in a beautiful display of splendor. That's exactly how you arrange your journey through life too.

But you argue that you never asked to be poor, you never asked to be sick, you never asked to be unloved, you never asked not to meet the person of your dreams, etc. This list is endless, isn't it?

So how did you end up 'here'? Is this fate or maybe God's joke and it's on you? Now, if you take those thoughts you'll notice other thoughts piling up in your mind just waiting for a part of you to say, 'yep, that too.' or maybe 'oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that. yah, that too'. Do you see what you are doing? You're in the process of allowing your thoughts/mind to dictate to you what is your truths. And in that moment you are telling yourself that you are not loved, loving or lovable. It's as simple as that.

Now, would you tell another person that they are not loved, loving or lovable? Most of us would not offer such a negative view to another person. But we do it to ourselves all the time. When you begin to look at the thoughts that are running rampant in your mind, with nobody attending to the weeds and allowing the flowers of love to bloom within, you're dissing your very existence. Stop doing it!

Instead begin making affirmations that are positive and positively working for you. First note that there is a lineup of thoughts pouncing upon the last one as you feel this frustration or negativity settle in. Next, take a deep cleansing breath. To do this properly, close your eyes and imagine white light cleansing through your body and around your body as you inhale. Hold it for a few seconds and then slowly exhale by imagining all the negativity in your body being expelled by this exhalation. Do it three times and you'll notice your body is more relaxed now and the thoughts are no longer rushing through to you. Now you're ready to begin the true positive affirmations.

These positive affirmations are always in the present and they are always spoken or written as if you are experiencing it right NOW. They never contain the word 'not' and if it does, you're heading in the wrong direction again. Here are some examples of affirmations you might say to yourself on a regular basis without any thought to what you're really saying to the Universe.

I don't want to be lonely.

I don't want to be so poor.

I don't want this job.

I don't want this person in my life anymore.

I don't want to be fat.

I don't want to be afraid.

I don't want to be so frustrated.

Of course the list can be endless and it would help you to write up your own personal list and then write them out in a positive approach. So taking the above list, here is how you would make a positive affirmation.

I enjoy loving people in my life.

I am financially abundant.

I am enjoying a fantastic new job.

I am enjoying new loving relationships in my life.

I am slender.

I am fearless.

I am clear and balanced.

You should be able to see the difference in how each of these feels too. There's a different energy to saying 'I don't want to be fat' to saying 'I am slender'. There's an absoluteness to the latter that catapults you into a positive framework. Don't allow poor negative affirmations to rule your life anymore. Take them out one by one and turn them into the positive statements that changes your life in a positive way.

Love & Blessings,
Dallas Hodder Franklin